Our Mission

Love people so radically that they wonder why.

BYouth exists to love, equip, and ignite youth to be lifelong disciples of Jesus who serve and carry His love to Albany and the nations.

Wednesday Nights

Sunday Nights



You can expect snacks, fellowship, worship, and a message. Don't forget your Bible and notebook!

Worship with Us

Crew Time

BYouth Small Groups

At BYouth, we call small groups "Crew Time." Crew time is designed for students to dive deeper by discussing what was taught. These groups are separated by gender and age.

Meet the Team

Skylier Lehmann

Meghan Lehmann

Youth Director
Youth Worship Leader
Before Skylier was the Youth Director, he was a crew leader for five years and a high school teacher at Live Oak High School for one year, and he is married to Meghan. He enjoys playing video games and watching superhero movies.
Meghan has been leading worship for BYouth since 2019. She is a Speech Language Pathologist Assistant for Livingston Parish Public Schools, and is married to Skylier. Her hobbies include taking care of her cats Goose and Chopper, reading, and listening to music. 

Check us out!

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Bethlehem Baptist Youth (@byouthalbany) • Instagram photos and videos


Three Circles

This method of evangelism is a simply way to share your faith. It focuses on God's initial design, sin, brokenness that came from sin, repentance, belief, the Gospel, and pursuing God. Using the link below, you can download the free app to your device and/or order the free kit!

Bridging the Gap

Using a single verse, Romans 6:23, (or more) and a simple drawing, you can effectively share the Gospel with someone.

Roman Road

Using five verses from Romans, you can share the Gospel easily with someone. It helps if you have the other person read the verses and asking them what it means.