Joshua Peeler
Senior Pastor
Originally from North Carolina, Josh spent over a decade in Southeast Louisiana and now considers it home. He served 6 years active duty military service in the U.S. Air Force in Europe and the Middle East. He completed a Master of Arts in International Relations (2012) from the University of Oklahoma, and a Master of Divinity in Expository Preaching (2014), a Master of Theology (2017), and a Doctor of Philosophy in Expository Preaching (2018) from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Josh served as an associate, youth, and senior pastor and began pastoring Bethlehem as senior pastor since April of 2023. Josh and his wife Anna love being back in Louisiana. They have one son who keeps them on their toes and gives them tremendous joy. Josh loves grilling, reading, taking naps, and chasing his toddler. Josh's love of movies and popular culture frequently provide some of his favorite sermon illustrations.

Skylier Lehmann
Youth, Young Adult, & Media Director
While he was born in Montana, Skylier spent much of his childhood in Albany. He graduated from Albany High School (2017) and began attending Southeastern Louisiana University that same year. Skylier graduated with a Bachelors in Social Studies Education (2021) and went on to teach high school at Live Oak High. One year later, he began to sense a call to ministry. He now attends New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and is working towards a Masters of Divinity in Christian Ministry. Skylier has been attending Bethlehem Baptist Church since 2017 and served as a youth leader since 2018 and is now serving as Youth, Young Adult, and Media Director. He is married to his wife, Meghan. They enjoy traveling and watching superhero movies.